WEEK #9

October 1, 2020 

What are my pet peeves?

    One of my biggest pet peeves that happens at school is when people are walking in front of me and

 don't hurry up and are walking slower than a turtle. It bothers me because I like to get early to my 

classes and usually when someone is walking slow they are on their phones or gossiping to their 

friends. Like you can do that during lunch of after school don't walk slowly as if you own the place. 

Another pet peeve is when people ask to "borrow" something from me and do not return it after they are

 done using it. This annoys me because if you not going to give it back don't say you going to just 

"borrow" it. Instead, you can be honest and ask/say "Do you have a pencil I can HAVE a pencil?" When

 I hear someone's laugh from a whole mile away I get bothered, not because their laugh is ugly or 

something. It just bothers me because they can be like six feet away from you, and you can STILL hear 

them. I just wish they would laugh normally and not really loud. These are just three of my pet peeves, 

but I have many more. 

October 2, 2020 

What am I afraid of? 

    People have at least one fear and then there's me, who has at least a million dears. Which makes me

 feel surprised that I go outside. My fears are clowns, the dark, heights, rats, snakes, spiders, thunder, 

etc... and many more. Ever since the news said there was people dressing up as killer clowns and trying 

to lure children and teenagers into forests, I get super freaked out. I was super freaked out when those 

killer clowns rumors came that I was scared to even walk to school and didn't want to come out until 

after Halloween. Another reason why I am scared of clowns is because when I was young I went trick 

or treating to a house nearby that was decorated like a haunted house and out of nowhere a creepy 

clown jumped out and chased me all the way to the yard of MY house. I almost peed my pants from

 that experience, but thank god this year the Corona Virus might cancel Halloween. So that is where I 

got my fear of clowns because of the traumatic experience I had when I was 4/3 years old. Me being

 scared of the dark and heights, are my number one fear. I've always been scared of the dark and 

heights. I don't know why, but I might be scared of the dark because my parents always told me if I 

didn't go to sleep the "CUCY" would come and get me. One of my big fears are also rats. I HATE rats 

so much that is all I can say about them. Snakes having a bad reputation for being dangerous reptiles, is

 already scary enough for me to be a fear of mine. These are like .1% of my fears because I am scared 

of muchhhhh more.

October 3, 2020

What is my favorite subject?

    My favorite subject is physical Education and Spanish. Physical Education is my favorite subject

 because I get to exercise to stay fit and have fun with my friends at the same time. It also keeps me me 

fit and informs me about my body and advice on what to do. I also get information on what is good for 

my body and and what isn't good for it. I also love to run even though I get really tired, but that's just 

because I do not run often so my body isn't used to it. Spanish is also another of my favorite subjects 

because I'd rather speak Spanish than English since to me it feels right. The only reason I know 

English is because the English language is what mostly everyone speaks here in the US. But another of 

the language spoken here in the US is Spanish because our parents migrated here from Mexico and they

 only speak Spanish there. Even though I was born in the US I don't really "support" them because they 

stole this land from MEXICO, so Trump not allowing them into land that was stolen from them is 

unfair. Anyways these are two of my favorite school subjects. 


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts -- ah, those slow-walkers...

  2. Do you watch scary movies?
    Some rats are cute.


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