WEEK #2        


    The article "The Right to your Opinion" from what I understood was wanting to tell the reader that we 

don't understand/know the right to our opinions. According to the article, knowing the right to our opinion

can be really useful and can help you discover that those "rights" aren't really your rights. It can be useful 

because "The Right to your Opinion states", "Suppose, for example, that you thought you had a right to do

 to your body whatever you like, provided you injure no one else. Such a delusion could well land you in 

prison convicted of drug use or assault." What this means is that if you had the right to do whatever you 

want to your body even though you didn't hurt anyone else you can go to jail for doing something that 

causes harm to yourself. This is part of what the article explained, but there is may more things. 


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